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CSS Architecture

13 Jun 2017

CSS architecture

Hello everyone,

I am planning to start creating some posts related to CSS architecture. My plan is to share my current knowledge regarding CSS, SASS, good practices, Stylelint, POSTCSS, etc. My idea is to write in english first, but I may translate to portuguese as well later.

Another thing that I am very curious to learn more is regarding CSS in JS. I know the biggest js frameworks nowadays are working with it (React and Angular). And I think that’s the future for CSS, so I will try to share things related to it.

Main areas that I plan to talk about, this is not written in stone so it may change:

  • Should I use a framework or not
  • Naming and CSS Methodologies
  • Folder and files structure
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Preprocessors
  • POSTCSS, NextCSS and Autoprefixer
  • CSS Analysis: selector specificity and parker
  • CSS Analysis: stylelint
  • CSS in JS (React and Angular)